Define Level

 I'll use proficiency level labels on my posts and page paragraphs to define the target audience. The level labels are as follows:

  • Level: Novice - suitable for any level of understanding
  • Level: Apprentice - for people starting out on their journey in a particular field
  • Level: Adept - requires a solid understanding of a field
  • Level: Expert - requires in depth, wide ranging experience of a field
  • Level: Master - requires extensive "under the hood" architectural understanding

The first level is for everyone, whether technically minded or not. These articles are designed to provide an overview of a concept, even for people who only need a passing knowledge of the subject.

The middle three levels are for people who plan to use a technology or concept on a regular basis.

The last level indicates I've reproduced something "straight from the horses mouth" from a subject matter expert, usually someone who works on creating the technological platform or resource themselves such as the lead architect at Microsoft.
