Define Blog


Blog - Wikipedia

blog (a truncation of "weblog")[1] is an informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).

This blog records my IT knowledge and learning. It follows a simple pattern:

  • Posts contain real-time learning, experimentation, questions etc
  • Pages contain condensed facts

That means the blog posts may contain errors, both grammatical and factual, as they are "work in progress" while the pages should be accurate.

The titles of posts and pages will usually conform to a verb / noun pattern to keep them simple yet standardized. The body of posts and pages will be concise and free of grammatical fluff. I'll attribute information by hyperlink to keep the text to a minimum.

If there are inaccuracies, inconsistencies or incompetence in these articles ask yourself "did I get the point?" and be content with the intention.
